Matchweek 14: The Anger is Flowing (Rivalry Week Reflections 5/11/24 - 5/18/24)

 Before we Begin…

           …I want to take a moment to thank everyone who read and support the blog. I’ve had a rough few weeks and I had to take a break for my own mental health. I appreciate everyone who showed their support and reached out to check in on me. I appreciate it. With that out of the way, this post is going to be different. This time I am calling out everyone/defending everyone. Time to “let the hate flow through me” and get some frustrations out. If that’s not for you, don’t worry, I will return to normal next week. If this is more your style, then prepare for the callouts…

The Front Office…

…Let’s start with the criticisms. Ted Segal, Pat Onstad, and Asher Mendelsohn, I just got some questions I think many fans want to know as well. What was the plan for the season and how was there no contingency plan in place? I understand that injuries are unpredictable. However, that is not an excuse that will hold up much longer. We entered the season knowing Hector Herrera would be injured. That’s fine. That’s understandable. I imagine the plan was to play Coco Carrasquilla in his natural 8. Cool. No problem with that. My question is why was there no “worst case scenario” contingency plan in place for the roster formation during the preseason? Where were the “depth signings” early in the first window? Regardless of injuries, we knew that we would be in CONCACAF Champions Cup, U.S. Open Cup (regardless of the drama surrounding that which I will rant about later) and had aspirations for winning the Supporter’s Shield and for winning MLS Cup. That is not to mention the giant money grab of Leagues Cup (rant on that later as well). Unless the plan was to prioritize certain competitions over others (which is fine if the priority was CCC, Leagues Cup and/or MLS Cup), you knew that rotation would be necessary for the sheer number of matches that would require. Where were the “depth signings” then. Were there some?! Depends on your definition of signings. Prior to Quinones injury, the Dynamo signed their 2023 SuperDraft pick Stephen Annor Gyamfi (shoutout to my fellow Ghanaians/Ghanaian Americans); homegrown player Kieran Sargeant; and Jan Gregus on a free transfer. If the gameplan was to develop young talent as depth I am cool with that. However, was there no consideration for potential injuries?! Even if there wasn’t, here are some names available on free transfers prior to Quinones injury (major caveat with this discussed momentarily): Diego Rubio, Josef Martinez, Kellyn Acosta (signed day of injury), Michael Barrios, Miles Robinson, Julian Gressel, Romell Quioto, and (because I am feeling Chaotic) Fafa Picault. Like I said, huge caveat to this list in a second; however, we could not go after or afford one of these players who could add depth and fit Ben Olsen’s system? It was not until we lost both Quinones and Sebas Ferreira that moves were made.

…Now, let’s start the defense. Realistically speaking, salary cap and roster rules significantly impacted going after some of these players listed. Additionally, some of these players do not play “Benny Ball.” Totally understandable. Also, it is impossible to predict injuries and have a contingency plan for injuries at every position (especially for how close to the start of the season these injuries occurred). Let’s be realistic and fair. That is outside of the control of every organization. It appeared to be that the plan was adding depth via youth (hold please). I find it very hard to believe that the front office did not know the summer roster rule changes were (at minimum, very) likely to be implemented. It makes sense to save as much as possible to go after a 3rd DP and a 3rd U-22 initiative player rather than spending on a YDP losing the ability to go after both. Granted, the injuries hurt this plan due to necessary trades for the roster. Yet, I find it hard to believe there were not targets identified for the summer to fill the 3rd DP slot, add a U-22 Initiative, and buy down/buy out Ferreira if it was not working out, adding an additional DP or U-22 slot. While the Ferreira signing was under this regime, the salary cap issues, DP slots, and lack of international roster spots are a result of the previous regime (Thank you Gabriel Brener and Matt Jordan). We cannot hold this current regime accountable for the decisions (no matter how ridiculous) of the previous regime. We can be mad, frustrated, and annoyed; yet the situation we are in due to Roster Rules is on Brener and Jordan.

Ben Olsen, the coaching staff, (and the players) …

            …Let’s start with the criticism. Yes, injuries we get it. Yes, depth we get it. Yes, limited attacking options, we get it. I just have one question. Where the hell is the rotation? Knowing the schedule and knowing the injury situation, signing depth afterwards, can we get more than 3 subs a game? Can we sub tired legs out prior to giving up the match winning/equalizing goal? Can we not wait until stoppage time before making subs to go after the equalizer or match winner? Where is the rotation? We got players, even if they are young, our lineup is the same lineup that is struggling to finish. Quality chances are great, the play is beautiful, getting shots on target is great; yet it means nothing if we cannot finish. I don’t know who to blame for that one. Is this a coaching staff problem, is this a player problem, is this a tactical problem? I am not sure. Statistically we are great defensively and offensively we dominate possession and often win the battle of shots and shots on goal. Yet we are one of the lowest scoring teams. Coaches, can we work on finishing please? Players, can you capitalize on the quality chances please? Yes, every team has a struggle moment, but watching the frustration of finally breaking the lines and missing an “easy” (in quotes because I have never played competitively) chance hurts. Also, whoever oversees player fitness/strength and conditioning, where are you? Our players are going down like flies. Way too many players unavailable each match report due to injury. What exactly are you doing (or not doing) that is leading to this? Listen the economy is rough out there and I am not an advocate for people getting fired, but for real though, why are we paying you?

            …Now for the defense. Despite everything, Ben has us in a playoff spot (is 8th acceptable for the expectations entering this year? Absolutely not.) Let’s celebrate that for now. We can fight through and even have the best road record in recent history up until this point. While there have been some hurtful (and embarrassing losses), all things considered, I will take a playoff spot with a game in hand before the summer transfer window opens.  I have to trust that this is not the Dynamo of the old regime; the regime that has disappointed us for so long. The regime focused on money rather than quality play. I will give Ben the benefit of the doubt after last year’s performance. We were around the same number of points at this point last season. We are barely 1/3 of the way through the season. Ben figured it out and we made it to the Western Conference Finals and won USOC. I believe Ben will figure it out. If not, I will be making the trip every home game and leading the protests. Until then, let’s be patient and trust the regime, the coach, and the players to figure it out.




            No defense here. Just criticism. I will keep it short. MLS you have lost site of what the league and its traditions are about. All for the sake of money. Pulling most of your teams from USOC because you don’t have television rights? Giving up on over 100 years of tradition for some cash?  Charging a ridiculous fee to stream all games with limited free options? Giving season ticket holders only one subscription code no matter how many tickets purchased (okay that one was specific to me only)? Playing a tournament in the middle of a season against LigaMX strictly for cash? The ridiculous roster rules and salary cap restrictions to help with “parity” yet somehow allowing Inter Miami to create a “roster compliant” team because of Messi? Giving Messi partial ownership of a club and a portion of the MLS Season Pass revenue? The mysteriously deciding to loosen roster rules in the summer just enough to benefit Inter Miami and LAFC? Give me a break. Either take off the restrictions completely or stop looking the other way for some teams but not others. Let’s be real here. MLS is a business yes; yet it is now a business that has no interest in its history, roots, and player development opportunities (see conflict with USSF [who is not innocent either]). MLS, the fans deserve better. Especially the fans who were there at the beginning.

The Fans…

            Let’s start with the defense this time. I get it. I miss the glory days. I was not there for the Robertson Stadium experience. I was not a season ticket holder for the runs in 2011 and 2012. I attended games now and then, but I did not fully invest until 2014. I have seen, felt, and sat through the hurt and frustration of a regime that only cared about revenue and not winning. It hurts having 2 playoff appearances in 10 years. Sitting there cheering for a team that never had the support to win. Year after year, slowly watching us fall down the table, while we are told to be happy we have a team and, to celebrate the small victories; the moral victories. Having to put up with increasing ticket prices, terrible food (until recently) and member benefits getting worse throughout the years. We are hurt, tired, frustrated, and sick of being let down. Sick of having to hear Broccoli FC brag about winning Copa Tejas. Sick of hearing FC Frisco discuss their joy of winning the true Texas Derby. Being hurt enough to stop coming, stop paying, and stop putting up with mediocrity.

            …No criticism, but more of a “take a deep breath”. Before taking to the internet to complain about everything related to the Dynamo, let’s first look at ourselves as fans. We discuss missing the days of Robertson Stadium, the environment and passion of the fans. Yet, even during our playoff run last year, where were the fans? Even in the successes of the new regime, where is the support. We claim we want the environment back; yet refuse to attend, then we turn around and complain about home losses falling right back on those memories where home was our fortress. How can home be a fortress when half the time the stadium has the same amount of fans for the other them than it does for the Dynamo. You want a change in the front office, then show up and stage walkouts. If the LA Galaxy can do it, why can’t we?

…Now some criticism. I have seen so many posts about the Dynamo not signing a “quality striker” in the previous window, yet these same people cannot explain the roster rules for that window. When brought up and the salary cap situations, those same people yell about accepting mediocrity. If you have a solution to this team under the current roster rules, then stop yelling and start providing the answer. That “quality striker” you so desperately wanted last window, name 1 eligible player that fits the category of “quality striker” and fits the category of a YDP. If you can name one, then I will apologize and I will be right there with you protesting for a regime change. If not, then let’s be patient and see what happens. We want heads to roll after one of our most successful seasons in recent history while playing with one DP. Regardless of if Ferreira is a bust or not, the summer will open one DP slot and one U-22 slot at bare minimum. Spending limits also increase including the buyout/buydown limits. We are in a playoff position. We are still playing with one DP who is still on a minute restriction. We are down to one U-22 who is still developing and having the best season as a Dynamo. We can criticize the tactics and the finishing all we want. Yet, at this moment, what answers do you have for the situation the front office is facing. If summer comes and nothing happens, then we can riot. Until then, lets see how the Dynamo fix the issue and what happens during the remainder of the season. I know I am asking a lot. I know very few (if any) will read or listen to my points. Ultimately, it does not matter. I am in no position to change anything one way or another. With that said, it does feel nice to release some frustration. Next week will return to normal. Until then…

Signing off for now, “El Profe”


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